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About Neurotech

Neurotech is a 100% Brazilian company, pioneering the creation of advanced solutions in Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning, and Big Data. Its mission is to transform a world of reliable and relevant information so that our clients achieve significant incremental results, predicting new business opportunities.

The Challenge:

The migration of Neurotech to a Kubernetes-based architecture using Amazon EKS technology was a crucial step to enhance the scalability and efficiency of their risk analysis applications. The main challenges faced during this implementation included the need to restructure existing applications to be compatible with containers and Kubernetes, as well as ensuring the smooth migration of machine learning models and sensitive data. Synchronization between the development and operations teams was also essential, requiring a cultural and procedural shift within the company. The critical success factors included a solid migration strategy, rigorous testing to ensure the integrity of AI models, team training, and the wise choice of technology, such as Amazon EKS, to provide the necessary scalable and reliable infrastructure.

The implementation of Kubernetes and Amazon EKS allowed Neurotech to achieve greater agility, scalability, and reliability in their risk analysis applications, enabling the company to better meet market demands and offer more robust services to clients.

What was proposed:

This case study includes details related to the Amazon EKS implementation project:

The solution implemented by Neurotech to migrate its applications and machine learning models to a Kubernetes-based architecture using Amazon EKS technology was comprehensive and effective. Here is an overview of the main components:

Amazon EKS (Elastic Kubernetes Service): Amazon EKS is a managed service that simplifies the deployment, management, and scalability of Kubernetes clusters. Neurotech used EKS as the foundation of its container infrastructure, leveraging Kubernetes orchestration and scalability capabilities without worrying about cluster management complexity.

Terraform: Terraform was essential for infrastructure as code (IaC), allowing Neurotech to define and provision its AWS infrastructure in a declarative manner. This ensured that the infrastructure aligned with application needs, being easily reproducible and scalable.

CI/CD with ArgoCD and Tekton: Neurotech implemented a CI/CD (Continuous Integration/Continuous Delivery) pipeline to automate the deployment of its applications and models on the EKS cluster. ArgoCD was used for application deployment and configuration management, while Tekton facilitated the automation of build and deployment tasks. This approach helped ensure consistency and agility in updates and deployments.

Observability: Observability is critical in a Kubernetes environment. Neurotech implemented monitoring tools such as Prometheus for metrics collection and Grafana for visualization, to track the performance of the cluster and applications. Additionally, logging and tracing were configured to ensure effective troubleshooting and monitoring of the behavior of running applications.

This comprehensive solution allowed Neurotech to successfully migrate its risk analysis applications to a Kubernetes-based architecture on Amazon EKS. The automation provided by Terraform, CI/CD with ArgoCD and Tekton, along with observability, contributed to effective deployment and operation, ensuring the company could leverage the scalability and efficiency benefits of Kubernetes without compromising the reliability and performance of its critical applications.

The Outcome and Benefits

Products used in this solution:

  • Amazon EKS
  • Hashicorp Terraform
  • ArgoCD
  • Tekton

How other AWS services were integrated into this solution:

  • VPC: Connectivity included provisioning a VPC and private subnets for instance dispersion.
  • CloudWatch: CloudWatch provides infrastructure and service monitoring through dashboards and event alerts.
  • GuardDuty: GuardDuty supports the monitoring process, helping to provide insights to our NOC (Network Operations Center) on managing threats and security issues.
  • Cloudfront: Distributed content network for caching and serving static objects.
  • S3: Object storage used for storing BLOB data previously stored in the DBMS.

Customer issues and concerns that have been overcome:

During the migration to a Kubernetes-based architecture with Amazon EKS, Neurotech faced several client problems and concerns that were successfully overcome:

Migration Complexity: Migrating applications and machine learning models to a container and Kubernetes architecture is inherently complex. Neurotech's team overcame this challenge through meticulous planning and infrastructure automation with Terraform, ensuring the migration occurred in a controlled and scalable manner.

Integrity of AI Models: Neurotech deals with risk analysis, meaning the integrity of AI models is critical. To ensure the models were not compromised during migration, rigorous tests and quality checks were performed to confirm the models functioned as expected in the new infrastructure.

Security of Sensitive Data: The company handled sensitive data, raising significant security concerns. Neurotech implemented appropriate security measures, such as access policies, encryption, and data isolation to ensure sensitive data was protected in compliance with regulatory standards.

Team and Process Synchronization: Shifting to a DevOps culture and effective collaboration between development and operations teams can be challenging in such migrations. Neurotech overcame this by promoting internal training, encouraging collaboration, and adopting CI/CD practices like ArgoCD and Tekton to automate the application lifecycle.

Availability and Observability: Ensuring applications were highly available and observable in a Kubernetes environment was a priority. Implementing monitoring, tracing, and logging tools ensured Neurotech could quickly identify problems and maintain the expected service quality for clients.

Overall, Neurotech successfully overcame these client problems and concerns through careful approach, effective automation, and adoption of robust security and observability practices. This allowed the company to migrate to the new architecture without significant interruptions in its risk analysis operations, providing enhanced service to clients.

Project Timeline:

  • Project Start Date: July 1, 2022
  • Project End Date: July 30, 2023

Results Achieved:

The results achieved by Neurotech after migrating its applications and machine learning models to a Kubernetes-based architecture with Amazon EKS include:

Scale and Elasticity: The company was able to scale its applications more efficiently in response to variable client demands. With Kubernetes and Amazon EKS, Neurotech can automatically scale computing resources according to workloads, ensuring high availability and improving the ability to handle demand peaks.

Operational Efficiency: The automation provided by infrastructure as code (Terraform) and the implementation of CI/CD practices (ArgoCD and Tekton) significantly reduced operational overhead. This allowed Neurotech's team to focus more time and resources on developing features and improvements for their applications.

Increased Reliability: With improved observability and constant monitoring of infrastructure and applications, Neurotech achieved greater reliability in its operations. Issues can be identified and resolved more quickly, minimizing the impact on clients.

Flexibility and Agility: The Kubernetes-based architecture made applications more flexible and easier to update. Code changes can be implemented quickly and safely, allowing Neurotech to keep up with technological innovations and market needs agilely.

Enhanced Security: Security measures such as access policies, encryption, and data isolation strengthened the protection of sensitive data. Neurotech can operate in compliance with security and privacy regulations, providing confidence to clients.

Cost Reduction: Although the initial migration required significant investments, operational efficiency and appropriate scaling capabilities allowed Neurotech to optimize its operational costs in the long run. This is especially valuable in a risk analysis scenario, where efficiency is critical.

In summary, Neurotech's successful migration to a Kubernetes-based architecture with Amazon EKS resulted in significant improvements in scalability, operational efficiency, reliability, and security. The company is now better positioned to meet client demands, innovate in its services, and tackle market challenges in risk analysis with greater agility and effectiveness.

Lessons Learned:

  • Implementing AWS services allowed us to focus more on the business aspects of the project.
  • While project planning is important, the need for client experimentation proved fundamental. In this regard, using AWS enables rapid prototyping of architectures.
  • Using the AWS Well-Architected Framework as a reference helps make clear to the client the value of a good service partner.

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About EPI-USE Services for AWS 

EPI-USE Services for AWS, recognized as a Next-Gen Managed Services Provider (MSP), offers comprehensive and scalable hosting solutions tailored to the dynamic landscape of AWS. Our team specializes in an array of managed and consulting services that encompass assessment, development, migration, management, and optimization of AWS environments. Our approach to cloud migration is adaptable and client-centric, enabling businesses to transition from traditional server environments to AWS seamlessly and efficiently, with minimal impact on their existing operations.

Our Capabilities and Competencies:

  • Managed Services Provider (MSP): As a recognized MSP, we offer comprehensive management and optimization of AWS environments, ensuring operational efficiency and strategic cloud utilization.
  • Migration Consulting Competency: We specialize in strategic migration planning, streamlined transitions, and ongoing post-migration support for optimal performance.
  • SAP Consulting Competency: Recognized for our excellence in SAP solutions, we streamline business processes using SAP and continually advance our expertise in SAP technologies.

By integrating these competencies, we enable our clients to focus on their core business, ensuring a seamless, secure, and effective digital transformation journey with AWS.
